Author: Bernadett Nyári

Posted by Bernadett Nyári

Nyári Bernadett hegedűjátéka világszintű siker: Beteljesült az álom August 28, 2023 news2023 Magyar hegedűvirtuóz a világhírű Carnegie Hall-b Magyar hegedűvirtuóz a világhírű Carnegie Hall-b August 28, 2023 news2023 Magyar hegedűvirtuóz a világhírű Carnegie Hall-b Magyar hegedűvirtuóz a világhírű Carnegie Hall-b By Bernadett Nyári August 28, 2023 news2023 Ny

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., May 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Hungarians have a rich culture of making music with the violin. One name that stands out above the rest is Bernadett Nyari. Bernadett is a world-class concert violinist, who offers an incredible array of musical styles. Her recent original single release, "Redemption" even reached The UK iTunes Pop charts. She was born in Budapest, Hungary

Virtuoso violinist, Bernadett released her debut single 'Redemption' on the 11th of March. Now accompanying the composition is a music video that pays homage to her Hungarian roots. The granddaughter of Hungarian's famous violinist and composer József B. Suha, Bernadett has created her own imprint on the world, touring and performing in 90 countries throughout her career. Now settled i

Internationally renowned violinist, Bernadett, has spent her career as a voyager of the music scene since she was 13 years old, bringing her powerful stage presence to 90 countries, making an international name for herself as a virtuoso violinist….

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